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The pic is my first Victory it was a 1999 I was cruising up a local blacktop hwy about to pass a pickup when all the sudden the front end on my bike jumped up then something flew out from under the bike, Hot engine oil started flying all over me the bike the tires and the road, Why I didn't go down is beyond me, It is all God.

I traded that bike and my insurance check and got the most beautiful vanilla cream and burgandy 2001 Victory Cruiser Deluxe,on 08-19-2003 This bike was my main mission tool, and what a bridge it was. And to some extent still is.

On 11-13-2003 A young lady named Robbin (who BTW needs prayer as she doesn't know the Lord) pulled out in front of me. With the very heavy braking the bike started to skid, at that point I had to lay it down, but alas it was not enough room (at this point I don't remember) when I impacted the car I was catapolted over the car. The Deputy that witnessed the accident said I flew real well. Scary thought. My skid mark was 36 feet, the bike skidded on it's side 125 feet and I was 50 feet beyond that in the median.

But GOD IS AWESOME, I walked away with only very minor injuries. Three hours after the accident I walked out of the hospital and drove my wife and myself home. The chances to say to some very supprised people, how awesome God is has nearly been overwhelming. Many folks are very suprised to see me walking.

To think God took a minute to save me from certain death, Even though Heaven is my home and I am but a stranger here, God choose to use me here on earth. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;your rod and your staff, they comfort me. So as to the future I am unsure where God will use me next, Somewhere someone needs to hear that old,old story of Jesus and His love.

Here am I, send me, send me!!!

We keep bibles on hand for anyone who wants one. Many people take one, My heart leaps for joy when someone says "Can I have one of these?"